About the Author
Jeffrey D. Blume, PhD
I spend my time thinking about statistical evidence, scientific methods, and data science. And food. Sometimes.
I am a Professor of Data Science and the Quantitative Foundation Associate Dean for Academics and Faculty Affairs in the School of Data Science at the University of Virginia. I enjoy engaging in collaborative science, pursuing methodological research, and building educational programs. My expertise spans the foundations of statistical inference, mediation modeling, prediction modeling, and clinical trials. My recent work in prediction modeling with missing data, empirical Bayes regularization, and large-scale inference in many dimensions, has a strong data science orientation. I have published extensively on likelihood methods for measuring statistical evidence and recently proposed the ‘second-generation’ p-value, which has the inferential properties that many scientists hope, or believe, are attributes of the classic p-value. I have extensive experience in the development, operation, analysis, and methodological aspects of clinical trials and observational biomedical research. I am a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. I was awarded Vanderbilt’s Chancellor Award for Research Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in 2020 and awarded the Spinoza Chair in Medicine by the University of Amsterdam in 2019.